Our hunting approach
Our hunting approach focuses exclusively on making the highest quality specimens available to hunt in their natural surroundings.
Whether in the wildlife, the accommodation, the catering or the hunting expeditions, be assured of a pure experience that delivers everything you might expect in a natural, authentic manner. Be prepared to be confronted with Africa in its purest form, as you embark to hunt some of the most spectacular animals the Kalahari wilderness has to offer.
On the hunt The hunting experience on STS-Meletse consists first and foremost of hunting free animals in their natural African habitat. Unrestricted by borders and boundary fences, both the hunter and the hunted roam free and far as they each fulfil their natural purpose. Your guides will be indigenous trackers, intuitive experts at following a spoor through our malaria-free savannah. They also play a vital role in making sure your experience is safe, true and uncompromisingly African. Whether per vehicle or on foot, our savannah delivers unprecedented access to an authentic hunting adventure.
Created by OPTOG! Media.